This program provides adults remediation in reading, math and language to assist them in improving their scores on the CASAS and meet basic skill level requirements for a Certificate of Completion in their Technical College education program. There is no set program length. This individualized program is prescribed, and students work at their own pace until they can test at the Certificate of Completion basic skills level for the Technical College education program for which they have applied. Students use a variety of media including print, computers and audio-visual. This program is non-graded and characterized by an open-entry/open-exit concept, self-paced instructional modules and performance-based evaluation. 

Classroom Activities

Classroom activities are an integral part of this program.

Program Structure

The program encompasses a combination of the following instructional components:

  • Technical Colleges Assessment and/or Referral
  • Basic Skills Related Instruction
    • Reading
    • Language
    • Mathematics
    • Study and Reference Skills
  • Other Related Instruction (as needed)
    • Science
    • Social Studies
    • Advanced Mathematics
  • Complementary Skills
  • Basic Computer Literacy

Program procedures encompass the following:

  • Interviewing and goal setting
  • Diagnosing learning difficulties: basic skills assessment is performed for each student by personnel trained in AAAE concepts and program procedures to identify needs in each of the instructional components. The basic skills assessment instruments are listed in Rule 6A-10.040, FAC.
  • Prescribing individualized instruction.
  • Managing learning activities.
  • Evaluating student progress.

Admission Requirements

Placement into this program is based on results of the CASAS.