The Adult Basic Education (ABE) Program includes content standards that describe what students should know and be able to do in Mathematics, Language Arts and Reading. The content standards serve several purposes:

  • Provide a common language for ABE levels among programs
  • Assist programs with ABE curriculum development
  • Provide guidance for new ABE instructors
  • Ensure quality instruction through professional development •Provide basic skills instruction (0.0 – 8.9) and critical thinking skills to prepare students for the GED® Preparation Program (9.0 – 12.9), postsecondary education and employment.

The content standards should be used as a basis for curriculum design and also to assist programs and teachers with selecting or designing appropriate instructional materials, instructional techniques and ongoing assessment strategies.

The ABE content standards have been revised to include the State standards. The integration of standards into ABE programs is intended to provide the foundation of knowledge and skills that students will need to transition to adult secondary programs with the goal of continuing on to postsecondary education. ABE is a non-credit course designed to develop literacy skills necessary for students to be successful workers, citizens and family members. A student enrolled in the ABE program may be receiving instruction in one or more of the following courses: Mathematics, Language Arts or Reading.

This program is divided into levels that are reported as student educational gains: Educational Functioning Levels (EFLs) for federal reporting and Literacy Completion Points (LCPs) for state reporting. Progress through levels must be measured by approved validation methods in accordance with Rule 6A‐6.014, F.A.C.

The program length of training varies depending on student ability. The Adult ABE program is offered part-time during the day and students may enroll in the program at any time.


Classroom Activities

Classroom activities are an integral part of this program. 

Admission Requirements

This Business and Industry class is open to adult students who are 16 years of age or older. Placement into this program is based on results of the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS). Students may enroll in Adult ABE prior to, or concurrent with, enrollment in a Technical College/education program. 

Adult Basic Education (ABE) & GED Preparation Courses

If you’re aiming to earn your high school equivalency diploma or want to brush up on reading, writing, or math, our ABE and GED courses have your back. Tailored for you and only $30 per semester, these courses are your steppingstones to a brighter future.

ABE & GED Course Offerings

  • Ridge
  • Traviss

Ready to Jump In?
If you’re ready to make a change and pursue new opportunities, apply now or get more info on how to start. We know taking the first step can be a big deal, but we’re here to guide you through the enrollment process and answer any questions you might have. Let’s make your future bright, together.

Your Future, Our Mission.


Registration Times:

Ridge Technical College:

  • Registration: Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday  5:30-7:30 p.m.

Traviss Technical College:

  • Registration: Complete the enrollment packet, then make an appointment for the placement test. The test is offered by appointment on our main campus. Appointment times are for you, so if you need to reschedule, please call 863-419-3060, Ext. 800 or Ext. 802.

Ridge Technical College

7700 State Road 544
Class Times

$30 Term

8:00 AM - 2:30 PM or ONLINE

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

(863) 419-3060

Traviss Technical College

3225 Winter Lake Road
Class Times

8:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Tuesday & Thursday
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
