The purpose of this program is to prepare a person for employment as a cosmetologist. Instruction is designed to qualify students for employment upon successfully passing the Florida cosmetology license examination. Specialized classroom and practical experiences are concerned with a variety of beauty treatments including the care and beautification of the hair, complexion, and hands. Students are given the knowledge, skills, and necessary work experiences for employment at job entry level. Instruction is also designed to qualify students for the Florida Cosmetology Licensing Examination which requires 1200 hours of instruction.

Content includes equipment use, sanitation and sterilization procedures, hair styling, shampoos and rinses, scalp treatment, haircuts, hair coloring, permanent wave applications, hair straightening, facial treatments, make up, manicures and salon operations.


This occupation has an average wage of $15.45 an hour, based on the Florida Occupational Employment and Wages for Polk County.

Laboratory Activities

Laboratory activities are an integral part of this program. The instructional processes, tools and materials used in this laboratory are similar to those used in industry.

The following table illustrates the program structure:


 Course #     OCP    Course Title                                                                                       Hours 
 CSP0009 A  Grooming and Salon Services Core, Facials and Nails 225
 COS0002 B  Cosmetologist and Hairdresser 1
 COS0003 C  Cosmetologist and Hairdresser 2
 COS0009 D  Cosmetologist and Hairdresser 3
    TOTAL HOURS  1200

Ridge Technical College

7700 State Road 544

Class Times

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

2:30 PM - 9:00 PM

5:30 PM - 9:00 PM


FL Resident: $5,705
Non-Resident: $19,181

(863) 419-3060

Traviss Technical College

3225 Winter Lake Rd

Class Times

7:30 AM - 2:30 PM

1:00 PM - 8:00 PM


FL Resident: $5,710
Non-Resident: $19,186


Facials Specialty: (Fall Semester, Evening Only):

 Course #     OCP    Course Title                                                                                       Hours 
 CSP0265 A  Facials/Skin Care Specialist 260
    TOTAL HOURS  260




Nails Specialty: (Spring Semester, Evening Only):

 Course #     OCP    Course Title                                                                                       Hours 
 CSP0015 A  Manicurist and Pedicurist 240
    TOTAL HOURS  240

Ridge Technical College

7700 State Road 544
Class Times

5:00 PM - 9:00 PM


FL Resident: $1,673
Non-Resident: $4,144

(863) 419-3060

Occupational Completion Points (OCPs)

This program is a planned sequence of instruction consisting of one Occupational Completion Point. OCPs provide a student with early completion training options linked to employment opportunities established by the Florida Department of Education based on the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system and accepted industry titles.

Admission Requirements

This program is available for adult students who are 16 years of age or older, who are interested in Technical College education for employment purposes and/or continuing their education at a postsecondary education institution. Students are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis following a Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS) assessment, if applicable, and an interview with a Counselor at Traviss. Students must be able to attend school regularly and to participate satisfactorily in the activities of this program.


A student completing the Cosmetology program is prepared for employment as a licensed Hairdresser, Hairstylist, and a Cosmetologist upon passing the Florida State Board of Cosmetology Licensure Exam.


State Requirements for Obtaining a Florida Cosmetology License