The Nails Specialty Program offers a sequence of areas including, but is not limited to: communication, leadership, human relations and employability skills; safe and efficient work practices; Florida cosmetology law and rules; acquisition of knowledge of the nails specialist and the related chemistry; bacteriology, anatomy and physiology; and development of skills in performing the techniques required in the practice of nails specialist occupations.

 Course #     OCP    Course Title                                                                                       Teacher Certification  Hours 
 CSP0016 A  Manicure and Pedicure Specialist   NAIL TECH 7 G 180
       COSMETOL @7 7 G  
    TOTAL HOURS    180

Ridge Technical College

7700 State Road 544
Class Times

8:00 AM - 2:00 PM


FL Resident: $1,509
Non-Resident: $3,503
